Our Impact

Home 9 Our Impact
  1. 173 Village Community Bank Groups established and operating
  2. 160 Women own land with legal and customary certificates
  3. 62 Youths secured formal employment from project beneficiaries
  4. 02 Village Community Bank Groups accessed 10 Million TZS soft loan from local government authorities to run joint business
  5. 07 PWDs supported to access 14.5 Million TZS from local government and established their business for incomes generation
  1. 08 Ecological demonstration farms established and functioning
  2. 440 Beneficiaries are practicing ecological farming techniques
  3. 27 Nutritious lunch gardens established in 28 Primary and Secondary schools
  4. 65 Women use clean energy
  1. 52 Women’s Rights Organizations enhanced their capacity to advance gender equality and integrated HRBA approach in their works
  2. 220 NPA-VAWC members practice a survivors-centered Approach in supporting GBV survivors
  3. 134 Male gender champions promoting gender equality in communities
  4. 232 gender-based Based Violence incidents reported and resolved
  5. 540 Students enhanced capacity on leadership, GBV prevention and reporting
  6. 253 Human rights educators and defenders enhanced capacity on human rights
  7. 322 Duty bearers enhanced capacity on gender equality and human rights
  8. 47 Women hold leadership position in local government authorities
  1. 05 Associations of Persons with Disabilities established to promote PWD’s rights
  2. 43 People with disabilities linked and supported to access rehabilitation services
  3. 16 Adults and children with disabilities were provided with assistive devices
  4. 12 Rehabilitation facilities purchased to support rehab services in communities
  5. 226 Vulnerable children supported on food and school materials
  6. 30 Elders visited supported with food and sanitary materials
  1. 1 Network of 30 students from 04 Universities advocating for health issues
  2. 30 Secondary girl students enhanced their capacity for menstrual hygiene
  3. Increased capacity of project beneficiaries on the  importance of health insurance
  1. 10,228 Direct and 3,100,460 Indirect beneficiaries reached
  2. Ownership of inclusive office building branded as a center for technical and practical learning
  3. 3rd five-year strategic plan (2024-2028) in place and in use
  4. 24 Organization policies supporting smooth implementation of organization works
  5. 12 Membership in national and international networks/coalitions for collective advocacy
  6. 18 Gender and Leadership School Clubs established in Primary and Secondary schools
  7. 72 Stories of change or Best practices documented and published
  8. 21 International interns placed to work remotely and onsite with TUSONGE
  9. 05 Community learning centres established and operating
  10. 02 Organization vehicles to support smooth project implementation
  11. Active website and 06 Social media accounts
  12. Quarterly publication of organisation’s registered Newsletter
  13. Clean audited financial reports since organisation’s inception (2011)
  14. Adoption of IPSAS and use of Mobile wallet in finance and accounts
  15. Installation of Office solar panel and stable internet (Cable & WiFi) for working productivity


The project focuses on empowering women, youths and PWDs

  1. 146 vulnerable children supported by TUSONGE beneficiaries on food and school materials
  2. 97 Women beneficiaries own land after TUSONGE intervention.
  3. 123 Local soap producers earned 318 USD from liquid soap business
  4. 62 Community members received formal employment from TUSONGE beneficiaries in soap making and farming business.
  5. 80 Members of National Plan of Action on Ending Violence Against Women and Children (NPA-VAWC) committee are practicing Survivors Centered Approach in supporting GBV victims/survivors
  6. 08 Ecological demonstration farms established
  7. 440 Beneficiaries are practicing ecological farming techniques
  8. 423 Households earning 1988 USD from farming business
  9. 27 Nutritious lunch gardens established in 27 Primary and Secondary schools
  10. 73 village community banks have been formulated and are well operating
  11. 56 Youth beneficiaries have secured formal employment opportunities in the year 2023 from project beneficiaries.
  12. 106 beneficiaries have utilized new markets and marketing opportunities
  13. 56 Women are leaders in Local government structures
  1. 3 Million people have been reached through live radio sessions and
  2. 49,000 people online in 152 countries through ongoing annual advocacy campaign
  3. 42, 924, 700 TZS. Million (Shares, profits, savings) have been accumulated in 10 women’s economic empowerment forums with 300 members from November 2023 to March 2024
  4. 88 Women have secured loans in their VICOBA groups and established their new business ventures
  5. 27 Women have access and ownership of land resource/ property
  6. 17 Women are holding different leadership positions at local government authorities and political parties
  7. 60 Girl students have enhanced their capacity on gender and leadership through 02 Gender and leadership school clubs
  8. 61 Trained male gender heroes (Bajaj drivers) are promoting women’s rights to the communities each of them reaching at least 48 people per day
  9. 48 Women and girls with disabilities are using different platforms to promote their rights through the 02 established women with disabilities movements
  10. 34 Local government officials enhanced capacity on transformative leadership and are promoting gender and disability responsive practices
    EAGLE GROUP for women with disabilities in Karatu District Council has accumulated 365, 000 TZS of these 120,000 TZS from Batik making, 45,000 TZS Soap making and 200,000 TZS on Beards and leathers
  1. 52 Women’s Rights Organizations enhanced capacity in advancing gender equality and integrated Human Rights Based Approach in their works
  2. 232 Gender Based Violence reported and resolved amicably and legally
  3. 199 Duty bearers (Government and religious leaders) enhanced their capacity on gender equality, Survivors Centered and Trauma Informed Approaches
  4. 120 Male gender heroes (Tricycle and motorcycle riders) are actively advocating for women’s rights and Anti-GBV in project locations
  5. 04 Communities in collaboration with their duty bearers formulated By-laws to address Sexual Gender Based Violence
  6. Prevention of Gender based violence is a permanent agenda item in school and community meetings
  7. 04 Community teams are working raise communities on women’s rights and anti-GBV
  8. Strengthened collective efforts of Women’s and human rights organisations in engaging duty bearers to promote and protect the rights of women and children
  9. Increased participation of women and girls in the decision-making process at the family and community levels
  1. 15 Members of the National Plan of Action on Violence Against Women and Children (NPA-VAWC) committee are practicing the Survivors-Centered Approach in supporting GBV victims and survivors
  2. 150 Women enhanced their skills in legal frameworks such as the Bills of Human Rights of 1947 that provide, protect and safeguard human rights
  3. 60 (30F, 30M) students from two (2) school gender clubs enhanced their knowledge on gender equality, gender relations, as well as GBV prevention and reporting mechanisms
  4. 36 Women were able to access and currently own land as their property
  5. 150 Women enhanced skills in ownership rights (Eg, Land ownership) and out of them 36 Women have access to and own their land with title deeds
  6. 06 Stories of change on ownership rights (property ownership) have been documented and published for wider learning
  7. TUSONGE team enhanced their skills in the practice of Electronic Grants Management Systems
  1. 07 People with disabilities supported and accessed soft loans (14.5 Million TZS) from the local government and established their business ventures for income generation
  2. 43 People with disabilities linked and supported to access rehabilitation services
  3. 16 Adults and children with disabilities were provided with assistive devices
  4. 12 Rehabilitation facilities were purchased to support rehab services for PWDs in project locations
    01 Union of mothers having children with Disabilities formed for advocacy issues
  5. 01 Union of People with Disabilities formed to advocate for their rights
  6. O1 Platform for women and girls with disabilities formulated to advocate for Women with disabilities’ rights
  7. Increased awareness for PWDs to demand their rights and engage in productive economic activities for income generation
  1. Ownership of inclusive office building branded as a center for technical and practical learning
  2. 3rd five years strategic plan (2024 – 2028) in place and in use
  3. 24 Organization policies developed to support smooth implementation of organization works
  4. 12 Membership in national and international networks/coalitions for collective advocacy
  5. 18 Gender and Leadership School Clubs established in Primary and Secondary schools
  6. 72 Stories of change/Best practices on Economic empowerment, Gender equality, leadership and health documented and published
  7. 21 International interns/ volunteers placed to work remotely and onsite with TUSONGE
  8. Adoption of International Public Sector Accounting Standard (IPSAS) for financial reporting as recommended by National Board of Accountants and Auditors for NGOs
  9. Quarterly NGUVU YETU (“Our strengths) Newsletter registered in both Online and Print
  10. Increased organization visibility and publicity through website and five social media accounts
  11. Acquisition of Tax clearance certificate from Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA)
  12. Installation of Office solar panel and stable internet (Cable & WiFi) for working productivity
  13. 02 Organization vehicles to support smooth project implementation