About Us
The word “TUSONGE” originates from Swahili word to mean “Let’s Jointly Advance Together”. TUSONGE Community Development Organization (TUSONGE CDO) is a women-led, women’s rights and non-governmental organization (Non-profit organization) operating in Tanzania mainland to advance equality, promote economic empowerment, inclusion, environmental conservation and institutional development.
TUSONGE CDO was founded in 2009 and in 2011 it was registered by Business Registration and Licensing Authority (BRELA) as company with no guarantee shares with Certificate of Incorporation No. 73437. In 2013, TUSONGE CDO was registered officially as national NGO under NGOs Act 2002 where it was given a registration number 00NGO/R1/00206 by the Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups.
TUSONGE CDO is guided by the third five years’ strategic plan (2024-2028) highlighting three (03) thematic focuses: Sustainable livelihoods & care economy; Social justice and inclusion; and Organization capacity enhancement. TUSONGE envision a society where people enjoy equal rights to a sustainable livelihood, well-being, and play developmental roles as committed citizens. The organization’s mission is to enable marginalized women, men, youth, and children to create prosperity, health, freedom and contribute to vibrant care economies.
TUSONGE CDO believes that communities are endowed with resources but lacks capacities to identify and utilize them, therefore TUSONGE CDO exist to bridge such a gap by exposing communities with participatory approaches to identify the resources surrounding them and utilize to achieve their social, political and economic development.
TUSONGE envisions a society where people enjoy equal rights to sustainable livelihood and well-being and play developmental roles as committed citizens.
To enable disadvantaged women and youth entrepreneurs to create prosperity, health, freedom and contribute to a vibrant and sustainable economy.

TUSONGE believes that love is the overriding value that should guide us all. It therefore insists that its members and partners act with honesty and integrity. We promote being humble and forgiving, to help each other learn from mistakes, mend fences and move on after disagreements.

TUSONGE values democratic societies where communities at all levels i) guarantee human rights and fundamental freedoms; ii) provide every person an opportunity to realize his or her full potential and iii) enable all people to express their opinions as well as equal access to all opportunities without discrimination.

We work from the premise that people are key to their own development, which needs to come with vision, care for all beings, skills, resources, authority, opportunity, motivation, as well mechanisms holding people accountable for the outcomes and implications of their actions.

We prefer to work in teams and consult stakeholders in decision making. This ensures effective listening and gives space for others to share and gather ideas and contributions from the target people we serve, before jumping to conclusions.

We prefer to work in teams and consult stakeholders in decision making. This ensures effective listening and gives space for others to share and gather ideas and contributions from the target people we serve, before jumping to conclusions.

Our decision-making is rooted in our mission, values, and strategic outcomes. We value excellence, continuous professional development, and reflective thinking to ensure organizational growth. We prioritize self-reflection, generating new knowledge, and improving skills and strategies for greater impact. We keep our promises and accept failures as opportunities for learning and growth.

We seek for effective collaboration with other development partners to enhance efficiency, and promote exchange of ideas and learning.

TUSONGE seeks to ensure practical implementation of ideas that result in the introduction of new goods or services, or improvement in offering goods or services, which will reflect good impact and sustainability.

We engage with all stakeholders without prejudice, to influence, improve and innovate. We have a tradition of inclusiveness, appreciation for diversity and transcendence above prejudices. We promote collaboration at the household, business, community and other stakeholder levels.

We employ self-motivated staff and board members, who are primarily driven by the organization’s values and mission, not financial rewards.

TUSONGE nurtures the habit and culture for working collaboratively both internally and externally to achieve a common goal. TUSONGE believes that staying together, working together, will lead to achieving good and sustainable results.

We endeavor to use our resources for their intended purpose, efficiently, modestly, and with the sole objective to produce the promised results.

We cherish doing the right thing in the right place at the right time. We are conscious that time is a resource not to be wasted. We always work hard to ensure completion of a required task within the required time.

We encourage effective use of all available resources within the organization and its community, before turning to external support. We have developed a sustainability policy and work towards generating at least 20% of program funds by 2023.

TUSONGE always understands and appreciates the unique value of the services we offer and commit to ensure constant following of a strategy or action plan developed for quality results.

TUSONGE always strives to keep her promises and obligations by ensuring all issues raised by our beneficiaries, stakeholders and partners are responded to in a timely manner.

TUSONGE fosters a culture of continuous learning and knowledge management at all levels. TUSONGE recognizes the importance of adapting to change, acquiring new knowledge, and leveraging insights to improve performance and achieve strategic objectives.
Legally registered Certificate of Incorporation No. 73437.
In 2013, TUSONGE received a certificate of compliance with Tanzania NGO Act N0:00001517
Primary Target: Women entrepreneurs as primary group other include marginalized groups dealing with small business initiatives
Secondary Target: Marginalized Individuals who are deprived their social rights due to entrenched poverty Local Government