Bread for the World
Economic Empowerment For Marginalized Women and Youth
Economic Empowerment project
Since 2011 up to date, Bread for the World from Germany, supporting TUSONGE to implement the Economic Empowerment project in Kilimanjaro region in 5 wards, i.e Majengo, and Msaranga (Moshi Municipal), Mbokomu in (Moshi rural) Ivaeny and Biriri in Siha district.
The main focus of this project is to empower marginalized group i.e. Women, youth, people with disabilities and men to have sustainable livelihood, enjoy their rights and contribute to local care economies.
Through the implementation of this project, TUSONGE managed to offer participatory training on:-
- Entrepreneurship and business innovation
- women empowerment training focus on human rights
- Leadership
- Lobbing and advocacy on cross cutting issues
- Sexual Reproductive Health Rights
Since 2011, TUSONGE has supported the total number of 1795 direct beneficiaries (women 961, Men 373, Youth 402 and People With Disabilities 59) and more than 5000 indirect beneficiaries in Kilimanjaro region.
TUSONGE collaborates with different strategic actor in her implementation such as, Government at all levels, religious leaders, Academic institution such as MoCU, financial institutions, SIDO, health personnel and Non-Government Organization.
Overall goal
Livelihood of the individual beneficiaries and their families improved as a result of this training
Participatory empowerment processes to enhance entrepreneurship skills to most marginalize women, men and youth to ensure economic injustices are redressed by conducting entrepreneurship training to target beneficiaries.
Overall goal
Knowledge attitude and practice on Decision-making, economic, gender and HIV/AIDS issues among target groups enhanced
- Mainstreaming of HIV/AIDS. Gender and human rights in all her interventions as the key strategies towards realizing economic rights
- Help communities in preparing vegetable gardens and planting orange-fleshed potatoes for their family nutrition.
- Facilitate nursery growing for distributions
- Training of women’s leadership and ownership rights